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___The Extraterrestrielves____

Across the vast epochs of history, humanity has repeatedly
described contact experiences with discarnate ‘others’.
Entire pantheons have been cultivated from these experiences,
which have been filtered through the cultural and mythological
lens of their time to take on a myriad of forms: Aliens, faeries,
ghosts, elves, angels, demons and spirits; all ethereal entities
whose otherworldly language seeps through the cracks of
collective consciousness, made further permeable through
the invocation of ancient rituals.
We know the human experience occurs on a limited spectrum.
Our senses perceive only a fraction of the bandwidth of reality.
It is from this ontological perspective of reaching out for contact
at the bounds of our sonic field of perception that the psychedelic
trance project:
The Extraterrestrielves, was born.
Manifested through Oklahoma-based producer Jordan Zabel (moondoggy), The Extraterrestrielves weaves layers of experimental synthesis over pulsating, meditative vibrations, utilizing the finely honed altar of the trancedance ritual to open a dialogue with extrasensory sentience.

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